Another courageous man decided to send a message to all Canadians!
I received James Topp to talk about his great walk across Canada!
Un autre homme courageux a décidé d’envoyer un message à tous les Canadiens ! J’ai reçu James Topp pour parler de sa grande marche à travers le Canada !
James wrote to MPs of Canada too!
Message from James:
12 MPs have committed (so far) to meeting James on the 22nd of June in Ottawa.
Please upload the video from your platform with the following description (you can add your extras if you like, but we thought this would be the most concise, and will work for Twitter).
Description: “Reading a letter that I sent to Members of Parliament in an effort to encourage more of them to meet with me on the 22nd of June for the purposes of constructive dialogue. #WhoIsJamesTopp #IAmJamesTopp #CanadaMarches
Re-share if you like: Please download the video from the link above and please keep the link in your post so other supporters can upload it to their platforms, if they choose to do so.
Respectfully, Cristian George on behalf of James Topp
To follow James:
Twitter: @CanadaMarches
Web site:
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